Location, Chicagoland, USA, Manila, Ozamiz, Philippines

Chapter One: The Marvel of the Seven-Cent “Lie”!  

Chapter One: The Marvel of the Seven-Cent "Lie"!

Ah, the classic tale of a young man ready to conquer the world, armed with the optimism of Sunday service and the promise of an abundant life. As the sun rises this Monday morning, our protagonist strides confidently into the day, fully prepared to tackle whatever challenges come his way. He’s practically radiating positivity, with a smile as bright as the sun itself.

The irony of it all! He eagerly races to catch the street car! Fueled by the energy of a thousand motivational speeches, he’s met with a scene straight out of a comedy sketch. The street car, his trusty steed in this grand adventure called life, is packed tighter than a can of sardines! It’s as if the entire population decided to take public transportation at the same moment.

Our hero stands there, dumbfounded, staring at the sea of faces pressed up against the windows like sardines in a can (there’s that metaphor again). His dreams of a smooth journey to greatness were dashed in an instant by the cruel hand of fate—or, you know, a full bus.

Fear not! Our protagonist is not one to be deterred so easily. With a resigned sigh and a chuckle at the absurdity of it all, he dusts himself off and prepares to face whatever other curveballs life decides to throw his way. After all, if he can survive the disappointment of a full bus on a Monday morning, he can survive anything!

Ah, the classic problem of the morally torn commuter! As our protagonist faces the eternal struggle between punctuality and honesty, the scene unfolds with all the drama of a Shakespearean tragedy (albeit with a touch more humor).

With work or school beckoning like a demanding taskmaster, our hero knows that tardiness is no option. So, like a covert operative in a spy movie, he slips through the back door of the bus, blending into the shadows with the finesse of a seasoned ninja.

Just as he begins to breathe a sigh of relief, fate throws a curveball in the form of the ever-vigilant bus attendant. Armed with the dreaded question, “Did you pay?” he proceeds to interrogate each passenger with the precision of a seasoned detective.

Caught between the rock of honesty and the hard place of expediency, our protagonist’s mind races faster than a hamster on a wheel. Should I stick to my moral compass, proudly declaring his status as a beacon of righteousness? Or should I succumb to the temptation of a little white lie, just this once?

As he stands in the rear, his heart pounding like a drum solo at a rock concert, he ponders the age-old question: What would Jesus do? In a moment of divine inspiration (or sheer panic), he settles on a plan, ready to face the consequences of his decision with the courage of a knight in shining armor.

And so, with a mixture of trepidation and resolve, he braced himself for the inevitable showdown. Ready to face the bus attendant and whatever judgment awaits them. After all, when it comes to navigating the murky waters of morality, sometimes you just have to trust in a higher power—or at least hope for a forgiving bus driver!

The art of subterfuge, where the line between mischief and miracle is as thin as a bus ticket! Remember how our protagonist stealthily sneaks onto the back of the bus? He can’t help but feel a twinge of guilt mingling with the thrill of the free ride. Isn’t life all about seizing the blessings that come your way, even if they arrive in the form of a conveniently open back door?

With each passing block, our hero’s internal monologue kicks into high gear, rationalizing his actions with the finesse of a seasoned lawyer. “I’m blessed and highly favored. Channeling his inner prosperity and preaching, What’s the harm in a little free ride? It’s practically a divine discount!

Just as he settles into his newfound sense of financial liberation, a voice interrupts his reverie: the dreaded street car attendant, keeper of order, and dispenser of justice. With a casual “Did you pay? He throws down the gauntlet, forcing our protagonist to confront the moral dilemma head-on.

Summoning every ounce of his acting prowess, our hero responds with a nonchalant “Yes,” delivering the line with all the conviction of a seasoned politician. And Lo and behold, a smile spreads across the attendant’s face, a nod of approval that feels sweeter than winning the lottery—or at least, avoiding a hefty seven-cent fine.

As the street car rumbles on, our protagonist basks in the warm glow of moral victory, his conscience clear and his wallet intact. After all, in a world where every penny counts, sometimes the greatest blessings come in the form of a smile from the bus attendant—and the knowledge that, just this once, honesty is not the best policy.

The perils of a little white lie in the eyes of the divine! Our protagonist finds himself caught in the crosshairs of a sermon on honesty, delivered with the fervor of a preacher on a Sunday morning. As he listens to the cautionary tale of the gentleman who lost his anointing for the sin of fibbing, there can’t be any connection here. A twinge of apprehension is creeping in.

With every word, the preacher paints a vivid picture of the consequences of deceit, leaving our protagonists questioning his moral compass. “What happens to a child of God lies? He ponders, feeling the weight of judgment looming overhead like a storm cloud.

Wait a minute—isn’t this a bit of an overreaction? After all, it’s just a harmless little fib, right? Our protagonist tries to shake off the preacher’s words, dismissing them with a casual “What’s the big deal?” Yet deep down, a nagging sense of guilt gnaws at his conscience, reminding him that in the eyes of the divine, there are no small sins.

As the sermon draws to a close, our hero is left grappling with a moral quandary: does “he” brush off his transgression and move on, or does he heed the preacher’s warning and seek forgiveness? It’s a dilemma worthy of the most gripping of biblical parables, with no easy answers in sight.

In the end, our protagonist may just find himself caught between the age-old battle of right and wrong, wrestling with his sense of righteousness in a world where even the smallest lie can have the gravest of consequences. Should he find the street car and pay?   

The thrill of skirting the edge of truth! Our protagonist revels in his cleverness, basking in the adrenaline rush of deception like a mastermind orchestrating the perfect heist. “You got away with it, hahaha,” he chortled to himself. Feeling as sly as a fox in a henhouse.

Hmm… wait, hold your horses! Is our protagonist a wily trickster who reflects on the aftermath of his fib? “No” God forbid”… Yet he can’t help but ponder the cosmic implications of his actions. “Onwards and upwards. Life is good,” he declares with a wink, yet beneath the bravado lies a nagging sense of uncertainty.

The age-old question: WWJD? What Would Jesus Do? Our protagonist considers the moral quandary he’s stumbled into. Likening his predicament to biblical tales of woe. “Yeah, if you have Christ in your life, you are different. Drawing parallels compared to Adam losing everything in the Garden of Eden, Adam falls hard. And what about Samson’s tragic downfall?

“Samson, the Philistines are upon you!” Channeling the biblical hero’s moment of reckoning with a cheeky twist. “Ho crap, no power!” They mocked him! Can you envision yourself as a modern-day champion stripped of your divine favor?

Hold your horses, folks! This isn’t just another cautionary tale about the perils of dishonesty—it’s a full-blown existential crisis in the making! A fiery crucible. As our hero grapples with the consequences of his deceit, he can’t help but wonder: What if there’s more to this than meets the eye?

He contemplates the cosmic repercussions of his actions. He’s struck by one chilling thought: perhaps lying isn’t just a simple transgression.  A full-blown cosmic disruption that threatens to unravel the very fabric of existence itself. “Breaking News: (The verdict Is In) You’re going to hell. Just teasing. Yet behind the laughter lies a sobering realization.

In the end, our intrepid trickster finds themselves at a crossroads, grappling with the weight of his deception and the uncertain fate that awaits them. Seeking redemption and making amends, or will he continue down the treacherous path of deceit, risking his very soul in the process? Only time will tell in this divine mishap of error!

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